The Sai Life Sciences IPO is set to raise Rs 3,042.62 crores, consisting of a fresh issue of 1.73 crore shares worth Rs 950 crore and an offer for sale (OFS) of 3.81 crore shares, valued at Rs 2,092.62 crores. This IPO will open for subscription from December 11, 2024, to December 13, 2024. Allotments are expected to be finalized by December 16, 2024, with the listing on BSE and NSE scheduled for December 18, 2024.
The IPO offers a price band of ₹522 to ₹549 per share, making it accessible for a wide range of investors. The minimum lot size for retail investors is 27 shares, requiring an investment of ₹14,823. Qualified Institutional Buyers (QIB) can bid for a minimum of 14 lots (378 shares), amounting to ₹207,522, while High Net-Worth Individuals (HNIs) need to apply for 68 lots (1,836 shares), with an investment of ₹1,007,964.
With an estimated market capitalization of Rs 11,400 crore post-listing, the Sai Life Sciences IPO presents an exciting opportunity for investors seeking exposure to the growing pharmaceutical sector. The fresh issue will help the company strengthen its position in the industry, while the OFS will provide liquidity to the selling shareholders. Don’t miss this chance to invest in a company with a promising future.
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