Stallion India IPO debuted on the NSE on January 23, 2025, with its shares listing at ₹120, a 33.33% premium over the issue price of ₹90. The company’s market valuation stood at ₹951.90 crore post-listing. The IPO, which aimed to raise ₹199.45 crore, was priced between ₹85 and ₹90 per share and saw strong investor interest due to the company’s niche presence in the fluorochemicals sector.
Stallion India IPO Subscription Status
The Stallion India IPO saw a strong subscription across all categories, with the Qualified Institutional Buyers (QIBs) category being subscribed 172.93 times, totaling 76,64,65,095 bids against the 44,32,279 units reserved.
Within this, Foreign Institutional Investors (FIIs) placed bids for 11,85,26,760 units, while Domestic Financial Institutions and Mutual Funds also showed significant interest.
Non-Institutional Investors subscribed 422.42 times, with bids totaling 1,40,42,24,085 units, led by those bidding over ₹10 lakh, which saw a subscription of 472.89 times.
Retail Individual Investors (RIIs) also showed strong demand, with 75,16,00,245 bids against the 77,56,489 units reserved, resulting in a subscription of 96.90 times. Overall, the IPO was subscribed 188.38 times, reflecting significant investor confidence.
Stallion India IPO GMP
The last GMP for Stallion India IPO, updated on January 23, 2025, stood at ₹35, indicating an expected profit of 38.89%. The issue price was ₹90, and the shares listed at ₹120, reflecting a 33.33% premium over the allotment price.
Details About Stallion India IPO
The Stallion India IPO, opening on January 16, 2025, and closing on January 20, 2025, aims to raise ₹199.45 crores through a fresh issue and an offer for sale of 43,02,656 equity shares. The price band is set between ₹85 to ₹90 per share.
- Retail Investors: 35% of the IPO shares are reserved for retail investors.
- Qualified Institutional Buyers (QIBs): 50% of the shares are allocated to QIBs, including institutions such as mutual funds and insurance companies.
- High Net-Worth Individuals (HNIs): 15% of the IPO is set aside for HNIs, who are expected to invest larger sums.
Funds Deployment of This Company
- Funding incremental working capital requirements
- Funding capital expenditure for Semi-conductor & Specialty Gas facility in Khalapur, Maharashtra
- Funding capital expenditure for Refrigerant facility in Mambattu, Andhra Pradesh
- General corporate purposes
About Stallion India IPO Company
Founded in 1992, Stallion India Fluorochemicals Ltd. is a leading manufacturer of refrigerants and specialty gases in India. Headquartered in Mumbai and led by Shazad Sheriar Rustomji, the company serves industries like semiconductors, automotive, and pharmaceuticals.
With four state-of-the-art facilities across India, Stallion focuses on HFC and HFO gases, ensuring safety and sustainability. Its 2023 acquisition of Stallion Enterprises and expansion in North India highlight its growth. Stallion is well-positioned for long-term value creation, making it an attractive IPO opportunity.
Financial Background of Stallion India IPO
Stallion India Fluorochemicals Ltd. reported steady financial growth over the years. In 2022, the company earned ₹186.34 crores in revenue, with a profit of ₹21.11 crores. In 2023, revenue increased to ₹226.06 crores, but profits dipped to ₹9.75 crores. However, in 2024, the company saw improved performance, with revenue rising to ₹236.23 crores and a profit of ₹14.79 crores. By September 2024, Stallion India had achieved a revenue of ₹141.53 crores and a profit of ₹16.57 crores.